Book and organisations
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008 to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Sustainable Energy – without the hot air: A book by David JC MacKay. Available for free download. Deals with actual numbers where others just hand-wave. Essential reading for anyone interested in realistic solutions to global warming, although some of the information on renewable energy is now out of date.
Ashden is notable for its annual awards. By showcasing sustainable energy trailblazers, supporting them to grow and advocating for the sector as a whole, progress is made towards a world where everyone has access to affordable, clean energy. The winners don’t just receive prize money – they get a global platform to promote their work and push for the changes needed to roll out sustainable energy solutions to those who need them most.
The New Economics Foundation is concerned with the ‘triple crunch’ of financial crisis, climate change and oil depletion. It has published many interesting reports on a variety of issues.
The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) does research, education, and offers support for renewable and sustainable technologies. It is open to the public and has interesting exhibitions. many of them interactive.
Noteworthy initiatives
Transition Communities work together to respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of climate change.
The Ashton Hayes Going Carbon Neutral project is a community-led initiative that is aimed at making their village the first carbon-neutral​
Local organisations
Oxford University Environmental Change Institute: The Institute aims to organise and promote interdisciplinary research on the nature, causes and impact of environmental change and to contribute to the development of management strategies for coping with future environmental change.
CAG Oxfordshire: Sustainable Blewbury, along with many other local, voluntary groups, is a member of Oxfordshire Community Action Groups. CAG provides support for local organisations to organise events and initiatives to raise awareness and take action on climate change issues including waste reduction, carbon reduction, sustainable transport, and food, energy and water issues to have a more sustainable and less resource-hungry way of life.
Hagbournes and Upton Sustainability (HUGS) has a gorgeous website, a lovely self-guided walk and has been promoting tree-planting.
Sustainable Didcot is close by and we have worked with them on several occasions.
Sustainable Wallingford covers recycling, swap shop, local produce market, school vegetable garden producing usable quantities, encouraging interest with films, etc..
Sustainable Wantage has interesting events and initiatives, including films and freecycling, a list of local food sources and information on dealing with waste.
Abingdon Carbon Cutters is concerned with issues relating to food, waste reduction, energy, education and transport.
The Earth Trust (formerly the Northmoor Trust) is very much into education for children and adults and is working to help understanding of the effect of energy changes on the future. They run some useful courses (e.g. fruit-tree pruning) at reasonable cost.​​​