Blewbury Village Society Environment Group
Blewbury is a medium-size English village which enjoys a high standard of living and quality of life, and has a tradition of interest in and caring for its environment. Community concerns about the environment led to the formation in 1993 of the Blewbury Village Society Environment Group (BVS-EG), acting as a forum for discussion and action on topics related to the village and its environment – including the village fabric, amenities such as footpaths and open spaces, springs, streams and the natural habitat.
During the first decade of the new millennium the BVS-EG initiated several actions relating to the Parish Plan. Our environmental work was brought together in 2006 with the publication of a beautiful and informative book, A View from the Hill.
Increasing awareness of concerns around climate change and a need to switch to non-polluting, sustainable sources of energy led in 2005 to the formation of the Blewbury Energy Initiative – A new village initiative relating to sustainable living and coping with climate change, as well as looking after our environment. In order to better reflect the emphasis on sustainability, in 2009 the BVS-EG was renamed Sustainable Blewbury.

Sustainable Blewbury
In 2012 it was agreed to operate as an organisation independent of the Blewbury Village Society. Sustainable Blewbury has its own constitution, approved at our AGM in April 2012. The constitution was modified at the AGM in 2013, to add trustees, this was needed to allow us to enter into leasehold agreements and other legal arrangements. it was amended again in 2015 to ensure that funds are used only for the aims and objectives of the organisation, and to require that if the organisation is wound up any remaining assets must be given to charity or to a non-profit organisation – this was needed in order to obtain a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. We also affiliated to CAG (Community Action Groups) Oxfordshire, and joined a growing wider regional and national movement of communities small and large striving for lower carbon standards of living.
In 2014–16 most members of our Core Group were involved in gathering information, consulting the village and preparing the Blewbury Neighbourhood Plan, which was approved by a village referendum in November 2016 and became an integral part of the planning process for the village.
Finally in 2023 the decision was made to seek charitable status so that the organisation would be able to acquire land to be used as a nature reserve.
Our charitable objectives
Sustainable Blewbury's objectives, to be carried out in Blewbury Village and the surrounding area, are:
to advance the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and the prudent use of natural resources for the benefit of the public through promotion, awareness raising and skill sharing to build community resilience to combat climate change and resource scarcity;
to advance the education of the public in the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment.

Who are the Trustees
Our five themes
Sustainable Blewbury was originally organised around five main themes, with sustainability and reducing carbon emissions as a common thread:
Energy – to decrease use of fossil fuels and encourage renewables
Travel and transport – to reduce dependence on cars and wasteful transport
Food and farming – to promote sustainable local production and fair trade
Natural environment and heritage – to promote protection of biodiversity and Blewbury’s special features
Reduce, reuse-repair and recycle – to reduce waste, increase reuse and repair if needed and recycle as much as possible
Note that some of our present projects straddle more than one of these categories.

Current projects
Below we list (in no particular order) the specific projects currently underway:
Blewbury Nature Reserve
Quaker Wood
Completed projects
Dormant and completed projects
Millbrook project: the Cleve, springs and stream
Transition Together
Blewbury Garden Market - detached from Sustainable Blewbury in 2023 due to SB's conversion to a charity